What’s scent special power, especially that of natural source:  plants, interiors, landscapes, airscapes, skin, soil and sea?

Was it possible to create complexly structured perfumes with natural materials, ones that invoked a sense of well- being, conjured the outbreath of live flowers, or led to a benevolent etheric-elemental experience? These wonderings guided my way of composing fragrance, and learning to extract flowers through enfleurage, distillation, and concentrates of rare, raw materials.

Each season, a small selection matching the mood of natures complex expression is presented, announced through the simple newsletter. Backstock bottles of favorite scents are often available by request.

2025 News

This year see 3-4 tighter update offerings, as I work to revise Tender Flower, and fit in more teaching and possibly, travel for teaching. Also, for regular aficionados , larger quantity refill bottles of your favorite perfumes are now available by pre-order. Please inquire at hello@tenderflower.net


Pacem Sample
