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A few weeks ago I asked in Stories if people liked seeing the gardens. The answer: a resounding yes!

Unless we get rain, though, and sufficient amount of it, very soon, garden photos are going to be scarce.

We are having a drought, on top of not having recovered from last year’s summer & winter drought, right through March, plus early, extra intense sun and temperatures. Yes, Biodynamic agriculture increases resilience, vitality, and health,
but it doesn’t mean problem free! The outer world does impact.

The production garden (not pictured) has been hit hard in unfenced sections. Deer and rabbits have been eating up plants that were just beginning to bloom.. removing visual beauty and, pollinator food sources from the farmscape…because of diminished wild food sources in the parched outer landscape.

The prunella patch, a vital ingredient in one product, was demolished; a large bed of plants I distill can’t be reached with a water hose. Without rain, they’re floundering. Just a few examples. 

Brands who don’t grow their own plants are protected from carrying these realities and burdens. (At least for awhile.)

When brands call farms they source from, “our farms”, it helps feed the consumer illusion that everything is available 24/7 and farming is all abundance and idyllic. Posing for photos in rows of flowers with baskets playing “farmer” is the real imposter syndrome. Farming is not “ownership”, whether pretending or really doing it.
It’s insulting to people who carry part of the earth’s travails with them EVERY day of their lives, out of necessity that is at the same time an often hard choice of love.

We cannot escape interdependence, a good thing to think on when the false identity/pride of nationalism and its destructive economic/social/political consequences becomes ever more a divisive agent.

Rain will come again, I’ll grow the self-heal in a fenced area; the shiso closer to the water source. See? Ultimately we can’t avoid cultivating the wild.

A few weeks ago I asked in Stories if people liked seeing the gardens. The answer: a resounding yes! Unless we get rain, though, and sufficient amount of it, very soon, garden photos are going to be scarce. We are having a drought, on top of not having recovered from last year’s summer & winter drought, right through March, plus early, extra intense sun and temperatures. Yes, Biodynamic agriculture increases resilience, vitality, and health, but it doesn’t mean problem free! The outer world does impact. The production garden (not pictured) has been hit hard in unfenced sections. Deer and rabbits have been eating up plants that were just beginning to bloom.. removing visual beauty and, pollinator food sources from the farmscape…because of diminished wild food sources in the parched outer landscape. The prunella patch, a vital ingredient in one product, was demolished; a large bed of plants I distill can’t be reached with a water hose. Without rain, they’re floundering. Just a few examples. Brands who don’t grow their own plants are protected from carrying these realities and burdens. (At least for awhile.) When brands call farms they source from, “our farms”, it helps feed the consumer illusion that everything is available 24/7 and farming is all abundance and idyllic. Posing for photos in rows of flowers with baskets playing “farmer” is the real imposter syndrome. Farming is not “ownership”, whether pretending or really doing it. It’s insulting to people who carry part of the earth’s travails with them EVERY day of their lives, out of necessity that is at the same time an often hard choice of love. We cannot escape interdependence, a good thing to think on when the false identity/pride of nationalism and its destructive economic/social/political consequences becomes ever more a divisive agent. Rain will come again, I’ll grow the self-heal in a fenced area; the shiso closer to the water source. See? Ultimately we can’t avoid cultivating the wild. #biodynamicfarm #wholeplantskincare#biodynamicskincare#naturelove#greenbeauty#earthsteward#voiceofnature #interdependenceday#interdependence#biodynamicfarming#farmtoface